
MA Leaders Club Brighton took place on Thursday 15 September 2022.

The agenda included...

Beside the Seaside - We’ll be taking a deep dive into the Brighton pub and bar scene with some of the leading operators in the town, including Gavin George of Laine Pub Company, Anne Ackord, Brighton Pier Group and a newer arrival on the scene Richard Stringer of Portobello Pub Company.

Employer Excellence - Publican Award winning operators Barons Pubs will share their insight into what makes them a great employer and what other operators should be thinking about to recruit, train and retain within their own teams. We’ll be hearing from managing director Clive Price and director of legal compliance and operational development Tanya Wicks.

Green Solution - Input costs are through the roof and staff thin on the ground; is a renewed focus on sustainability part of the solution? Simon Heppner looks at some of the options for operators to save cash, protect the environment and win the recruitment challenge, along with Emmy van Beek from the Sustainable Restaurant Association.

Consumer Price Pinch - With a potential recession on the cards, how do we influence where consumers choose to put their limited leisure spend? We hear from the communications experts at Richmond & Towers and their study of 2,000 consumers to find out how spending habits are evolving, what people want to see from pub brands, and how best to engage with them in the current climate.